Food adulteration // Category

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10 Jan

There has been enough said about the importance of food for our overall health and fitness. There is nothing new to convey that consuming a healthy, balanced diet and staying away from junk and processed foods are the primary requirement of a healthy body.

However, if you think that eating healthy-looking food will ensure a healthy body, you need to be a little more thoughtful and careful in that direction. Everything that glows, is not gold. And gold is not easy to get. It will surprise you that all so-called healthy foods can be full of adulterants that can do more harm than any good.

These adulterants added to healthy food can pave the way for various diseases and disorders. The increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers in growing fruits and vegetables is one common example of food adulteration and its harm to our body.

Moreover, the water that we drink has also not been spared from the adulteration of adding chemicals to either clean it and make it look crystal clear.

It is therefore important to be very careful of this bad practice. We have listed here a few food safety tips that will ensure that you do not fall prey to the malicious adulterants.

Being a little watchful for unwanted ingredients can prevent you from many diseases and disorders.

Be careful of what you buy

Ensure FSSAI-validated labels on the food items that you buy. There should be FSSAI license number, detailed list of ingredients and clearly written manufacturing and expiry date.

FSSAI license ensures the food item is rightly checked for health benefits. You can avoid buying loose package products wherever possible.

Don’t get manipulated by false claims

Every healthy ingredient put into making any packaged food item does not guarantee the health of the overall package. Many times, food manufacturers ‘claim’ of alternate, ‘healthier’ options. These alternate options may do more harm to the body than good. For example, ingredients used in artificial sweeteners are more harmful than natural sugars.

Do a deeper study

This can be in the case where you have made sure of everything going behind the scenes. Check for the source from where the raw material is coming from. If you see things are being prepared right in front of you and claim to be fresh, the ingredients that are used in making this fresh and hot item like oil for frying, food colouring, can be harmful to health.

As mentioned earlier, food adulteration is an open secret. However, with so much information available online, making healthier food choices is not difficult. Look for authenticated, researched tested and proven products for a healthier life.